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TaxFox: Your Ultimate
Mobile Tax Calculator

TaxFox Tax Refund Calculator

Whether you're a freelancer or an individual taxpayer, our user-friendly tax refund calculator puts the power in your hands. 


No need to rely on expensive accountants or wait in long queues to pay your taxes. 


With TaxFox, you can calculate, claim deductions, and file your taxes conveniently, all from the comfort of your mobile device.

Helps you work out:


  • how much Australian income tax you should be paying

  • what your take home salary will be when tax and the Medicare levy are removed

  • your marginal tax rate

Features of TaxFox Calculator:

Accurate Tax Calculator:

Say goodbye to manual calculations and let TaxFox handle the number crunching for you. Our advanced income and tax payable calculator ensures precise calculations, taking into account the latest Australian Tax Office (ATO) tax laws and regulations. Discover how much tax refund you could get and maximise your deductions with ease.

Maximise Deductions:

Don't miss out on potential deductions that could save you money. TaxFox provides a comprehensive list of eligible deductions, making it simple to identify expenses you can claim. From work-related expenses to investment deductions, we help you maximise your refund.

Track Your Refund:

Waiting for your tax refund? TaxFox keeps you updated with real-time tracking of your deductions and estimated tax refund, so you'll know what to expect without having to visit an accountant.No more guessing or endless inquiries. Stay informed and enjoy peace of mind.

TaxFox App Dashboard
Effortless Tax Filing

Filing your taxes has never been easier. With TaxFox, you can seamlessly file your tax return online via the app, saving time and eliminating paperwork because the tax calculator does the work for you. Our intuitive interface guides you through the process, ensuring accurate and timely submissions.

MyGov Lodge Tax Return

Lodge your taxes the way you want

Whether you are lodging yourself, through a tax agent, or have an accountant,
the TaxFox tax return calculator is your essential tool for accurate and efficient tax calculations. 


Our user-friendly app caters to individuals and businesses alike,
providing a seamless experience no matter your preferred method of tax filing. 


With TaxFox, you can confidently navigate the complex world of taxes,
ensuring that you pay the right amount and claim all eligible deductions. 


Whether you prefer a DIY approach, seek expert advice from a tax agent, or rely on the expertise of your accountant,
TaxFox empowers you with the accurate calculations and comprehensive insights you need to make informed decisions, maximise your tax refund and file your taxes early.

Marginal Tax Bracket

See which tax bracket you fall under

Max the Fox

Download TaxFox today!

Say goodbye to the stress of tax season and take control of your finances with TaxFox. Download the app now and experience the convenience of filing your taxes anytime, anywhere. Join thousands of satisfied users who have simplified their tax process with TaxFox.

Simplify your tax journey and put the power of TaxFox in your hands today.

Don't let tax time overwhelm you – embrace it with TaxFox, your trusted tax companion.

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